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Prices start at $12.50/6oz. bag.

Often times, folks offer up suggestions and we here at Cowboy David's Bake Shoppe take all into consideration.
This one was a no-brainer!
Take our candied nut garnishes & package them for snackin'.
A serious OMG experience!!!

Cowboy David's Candied Confections
Thank goodness you can order these treats by the pound! A six ounce bag is great but a whole pound - woo hoo! We roast our candied nut confections with an incredible blend of spices, and local honey & maple syrup. Currently, Cowboy David's Bake Shoppe offers four different nuts double roasted to confectionery perfection!
*Candied Cashews

*Candied Pecans
*Candied Peanuts
*Candied Almonds
***As if that weren't awesome enough, if you prefer, we also CHOCOLIFY them!
*Chocolate Tangle Cashews™
*Chocolate Tangle Pecans™
*Chocolate Tangle Peanuts™
*Chocolate Tangle Almonds™
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